Everyone deserves to live in a healthy and safe environment. That environment includes where you live, work, play, and pray. We reject and actively push back against racist rhetoric, actions, policies and institutional oppression that leads to state-sanctioned brutality, gun violence, and harm that again and again assaults communities, particularly communities of color. We are committed to working for justice and equity, and are in solidarity with social, racial, and environmental justice organizations to build community, understanding and honest dialogue to address the root causes of violence, harm and hate.

Vaginal Health Week 2022

THANK YOU to all who attended our webinar and joined us for Vaginal Health Week! Please enjoy these recordings of the event.


SPANISH – Interpretation



What is Vaginal Health Week?

Vaginal Health Week is an annual week of action hosted by Women’s Voices for the Earth to uplift honest and open conversations about menstruation and vaginal health. This year we’re highlighting new ingredient disclosure practices and period health policies that impact the accessibility, affordability and safety of menstrual products. All week long we’ll be talking about these issues ​and sharing helpful resources. The week’s main event is our webinar on May 26th — What New Disclosure Requirements Reveal about Period Care Products. Join WVE’s Director of Science and Research, Alexandra Scranton, for a deep dive into our new report on product safety, transparency practices, and what new disclosure requirements have revealed about ingredients used in menstrual care products. Please RSVP today for this virtual event!

We invite all people who have experience with menstruation, are impacted by vaginal health, and are interested in learning more about period product safety, affordability and accessibility. So invite your friends, family, and loved ones to join us during this week of learning, listening & action! THANK YOU for being here!

This year’s Vaginal Health Week is May 22-28, 2022.
Where to follow: WVE’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & subscribe to WVE’s emails.


Ways to start getting engaged today!

Menstrual Equity Policies Passed in the U.S.

Legislation that have passed and/or have been enacted in the United States to address the safety, affordability, or accessibility of menstrual care products as of April 1, 2022. Is your state making period health a priority? Find out. Click here.

Menstrual and Intimate Care Survey

Women’s Voices for the Earth is gathering information on menstrual health, specifically how people use and select menstrual and intimate care products. The feedback you provide will help WVE develop campaigns and programs on this topic to better address your needs and concerns. Click here.

We Now Have More Information about Ingredients Used in Period Products Than Ever Before!

Following new disclosure requirements out of New York State, we’re seeing positive shifts in transparency practices across the industry and are getting NEW information on many ingredients found in tampons, pads, period underwear, menstrual cups and discs. Many of these ingredients are being disclosed for the first time. Learn more.

Rally in Denver CO to support period health

How are Menstrual and Intimate Care Products Regulated?

Menstrual and intimate care products are used on and in some of the most sensitive body tissue, yet there is very little regulation over the safety of these products, and in many cases corporations are not even required to tell you what ingredients are used in these products. Learn more. Learn more.

A look into last year’s event

Vaginal Health Panel — 2021

Last year’s Vaginal Health Week spotlighted intimate care products, from the history of these products to modern day marketing and cultural conversations about why we choose to use — or not use — wipes, washes, douches, spray, powders and more. The main event was a panel discussion with Dr. Ami Zota, M. Isabelle Chaudry, Dr. Astrid Williams, and Dr. Ebere Azumah. Please enjoy a recording of last year’s panel discussion.

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