Everyone deserves to live in a healthy and safe environment. That environment includes where you live, work, play, and pray. We reject and actively push back against racist rhetoric, actions, policies and institutional oppression that leads to state-sanctioned brutality, gun violence, and harm that again and again assaults communities, particularly communities of color. We are committed to working for justice and equity, and are in solidarity with social, racial, and environmental justice organizations to build community, understanding and honest dialogue to address the root causes of violence, harm and hate.

Workshop: Our Stories, Our Flow

JOIN US for Our Stories, Our Flow — a virtual conversation about menstruation that centers and de-stigmatizes the way we talk about, understand & experience safe, healthy periods!

Interested in Our Stories, Our Flow?

While we all have unique needs, experiences, and preferences, taking care of ourselves and loved ones should never put our health, wellness or confidence at risk. The Our Stories, Our Flow workshops are an interactive community conversation to center and de-stigmatize the way we talk about, experience, or have experienced menstruation AND to understand safe, sustainable reproductive health products for all ages.

We enthusiastically welcome all gender identities who have experience and/or a relationship with menstruation.

WVE is thrilled to have partnered and co-host our OSOF events with organizations like Love Your Menses, the Brazen Project, YAAAS, Colorado University, JusticeNOW, Planned Parenthood, COLOR (Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights) and many more!

Additional workshop dates and times to be announced soon.

For questions, if you want to host your own OSOF workshop or for more information contact, Trennie Burch, WVE’s Network and Organizing Manager at trennieb@womensvoices.org.

Interested in Hosting Your Own OSOF workshop?

Want to host an OSOF workshop in your community?

You can help expand the reach and understanding of menstrual equity in your own community! It is important to have conversations about our periods and share our stories within our communities. We also know that each community is unique and so is each conversation, so our training resources and workshops are specifically designed with flexibility in mind — to be customizable and adaptable to your audience and community.

Sign up to get the Our Stories, Our Flow Train the Trainer Packet to host your own workshop! CLICK HERE!

Hosts receive one-on-one support and training from WVE staff.

Additional Resources

Menstrual Care and Personal Care Products
Quats and Other Chemicals of Concern in Antibacterial Sex Toy Cleaners
Period Care – Hall of Shame Products
Vaginal Douching Linked to Higher Levels of Phthalates – Study
Osmolality and pH Properties of Some Commercial Lubricants

Open Letter to Summer’s Eve: Add Your Voice, Today! >>
Tell Makers of Playtex and Stayfree to Detox the Box >>

Menstrual Products Right to Know Act (HR 2268)
Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act (HR 4296)
Menstrual Equity for All Act
Robin Danielson Menstrual Product and Intimate Care Product Safety Act (HR 8724)
Tampon Tax Litigation Actions


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